Lloyd George Acoustics


This area covers a wide variety of industries ranging from large scale projects such as a new mine in the Pilbara to a small scale commercial development such as a carwash or service station. You would probably be amazed at just how many industries we service and just what types of projects require an acoustic assessment as part of the approvals process.

There are generally two types of projects: one being for something that is existing which may have received noise or vibration complaints; the other being for something that is proposed which requires an acoustic assessment to determine the expected impacts to sensitive premises.

For the assessment of existing facilities, Lloyd George Acoustics has a vast array of equipment to measure noise and vibration both for short and long durations. Many projects involve us coming to site, measuring various items of plant and equipment and then assessing the emission against the Noise Regulations or the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

For proposed projects, noise modelling is undertaken using 3-dimensional data and requires knowledge of the source sound levels (by measurements, in-house file data or manufacturer’s data), the location of the source relative to the receivers, the intervening ground and meteorological conditions. Where exceedences are determined, Lloyd George Acoustics can provide noise control advice in order to achieve compliance with the Noise Regulations or the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 .